
Electricity Tariff and Prices in Queensland

Are you planning to relocate to Queensland? Read our comprehensive guide about the electricity charging systems in Queensland. Learn more today!

Are you planning a move to Queensland anytime soon? If you’ve never lived in Queensland, it may be worthwhile to learn about the electricity supply and how they work. The electricity supply system in Queensland is divided into South East, Central, South West and North regions; each area has its own management company and pricing structure for any electricity supply. Keep reading to discover options you can consider for your new home in Queensland.

Electricity Tariffs

A tariff refers to the rates charged to the customers for their electricity usage. For example, you may pay a flat rate for your general electricity consumption, rates that are determined by the time of use in a day, or different rates for particular appliances. It’s also important to note that you will find charges under various categories on your electricity bills:

  • Daily supply charges

The costs that you need to pay to stay connected to the electricity grid. These are usually listed as cents per day.

  • Usage charges

Indicate the rates that you need to pay based on your energy consumption. Usually listed as cents per kilowatt-hour.

  • Demand charges

Set by your energy distributor, demand charges determine the highest power demand during a particular interval set and charge you with that rate throughout your billing period. Demand charges are part of an initiative to reduce electricity usage during peak periods. Usually listed as dollars per kilowatt per month.

In Queensland, the electricity tariffs can be divided into the following segments:

  • Residential

In 2020, The Queensland Government amended its pricing structure, which charges residential consumers based on the amount of electricity they use rather than charging a flat rate. Consumers that live in South East Queensland are eligible to choose from four different tariffs:

        • Tariff 11

Customers are charged with the same usage rates regardless of the period of use.

        • Tariff 12

A method that is only compatible with smart meters because it charges based on the periods of your electricity use, which are divided into: peak, off peak and shoulder.

        • Tariff 31

Also known as a Super Economy tariff, this rate applies to your hot water system or pool pump use. The electricity is usually supplied for eight hours, within a timeframe where the electricity demand is low (around 10pm - 7am). During this period, your hot water system will heat up the water and store it for later use, saving the need to pay peak rates.

        • Tariff 33

Another budget-friendly option that specifically caters to hot water systems, tariff 33 or the Supply Economy tariff is available for 18 hours in a day, or any time except for peak demand periods (as a rule of thumb, around 4pm - 8pm). If tariff 31 is more suitable for bigger water systems, tariff 33 is more optimal for running smaller electric hot water systems such as washing machines and dishwashers.

  • Commercial/ Industrial business

Commercial and industrial consumers are charged a fixed price per annum for each energy unit they use every month. Generally, the price is unlikely to change throughout the year unless there is a significant change in the overall energy costs. Similar to residential consumers, commercial consumers can also choose from four different tariffs, including:

        • Tariff 20

Another version of tariff 11 that has been amended to cater to businesses, tariff 20 charges the consumers a standard flat rate for all electricity usage at any time of the day. The costs may vary depending on the provider.

        • Tariff 22

An affordable option for businesses that operate on weekends or at night; because a higher rate of up to 33 cents per kWh is applicable for any electricity use from 7am to 9pm on weekdays.

        • Tariff 41

The rate of this tariff starts at a minimal base, making it a suitable option for large businesses. However, the rate may increase if the worksite demands more electricity.

        • Tariff 91

Typically used for electricity supply in unmetered sites.


Trust HOOD for any electrical needs in Queensland

If you’re feeling unsure about engaging the right electricity supplier or choosing a plan that suits your needs, you can always rely on HOOD’s electricity services to assist you with any of your electrical needs. With years of experience in the electricity and gas industry, we can connect your property to a reliable provider in your local area. In addition, you can rely on our urgent electricity services if you need an emergency supply for your home or business.


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